Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Discussing Vasectomies and the link to prostate issues, Neurodegeneration, and Cardiovascular issues

Marking the 200th episode, Integrative Wellness Radio is back today with the highly requested episode on Vasectomy, what it means for your body and how it can be linked to a whole bunch of health problems such as prostate issues, neurodegeneration, and cardiovascular problems.
Hosting the podcast today, Dr. Nicole will shed light on Vasectomy unraveling why some men experience the onset of odd symptoms after going through a vasectomy using real-life case studies. She will walk you through some of the most important things that you must be aware of if you’re planning to get a vasectomy or know someone who’s planning to get one. Tune in to the end to also learn about the solutions for symptoms related to Vasectomies.
You can watch the episode on Youtube and listen on every major streaming platform. Linked studies on Vasectomy related issues are listed below.
Interested in learning more about Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole’s courses, memberships, or private work? Learn more at Integrative You. Have a quick question, Would you like to schedule a call, or just want to say hi? Text us at 732.913.0009.
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Noteworthy Time Stamps:
- 03:11 Why Vasectomy should be widely discussed?
- 06:15 Understanding the anatomy
- 10:29 Less likely but possible things to happen with Vasectomy
- 21:32 Can a Vasectomy be reversed?
- 30:57 You don’t have to normalize your symptoms
- 32:41 How men can help their prostate health
- Vasectomy and Prostate Cancer Risk: A 38-Year Nationwide Cohort Study
- Vasectomy in men with primary progressive aphasia
- A critical analysis of the reported association between vasectomy and frontotemporal dementia
- Watch this episode on Youtube: Integrative Wellness Group