Managing your physical and mental well-being as well as a business can be a painstaking thing. In a collab last week, Dr. Nicole was hosted by Phil Rose of "Sparks By Ignium".
In this episode, Phil speaks to the Doctor to help us better navigate through building your business and sustaining a perfect balance between your health and your business. Dr. Nicole shares some of the tips she has used along with her husband to diagnose and cure’ health and business issues in entrepreneurs. Tune in to the whole episode!
Interested in learning more about Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole’s courses, memberships, or private work? Learn more at Integrative You. Have a quick question, Would you like to schedule a call, or just want to say hi? Text us at 732.913.0009.
Our mission to innovate humans & Healthcare does NOT start and stop with us! This is why we are also dedicated to helping other practitioners in evolving healthcare too! If you are a healthcare leader and are looking to up-level your clinical + business excellence Learn more about our course membership: Limitless Healthprenuer and start boldly disrupting this industry!
- Integrative Growth Institute: https://integrativewellnessgroup.com
- Learn more about Ignium Consulting: https://www.igniumconsult.com
- Listen to Sparks By Ignium: https://sparksbyignium.transistor.fm/episodes