We’ve talked about skin conditions in previous episodes of Integrative Wellness Radio. But today specifically we’ll be taking a deep dive into the autoimmune aspect of skin conditions along with our host Dr. Nicole.
Autoimmune skin conditions manifest when your body’s natural defense system starts attacking the body's healthy skin cells, which is generally because of an underlying autoimmune disorder. Dr. Nicole will dissect the main components that lead to a weakened immune system and types of autoimmune skin conditions with case studies in her clinical practice. Listen to the end of the episode to better understand your body and what it needs.
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Noteworthy Time Stamps:
- 08:08 It’s not always about your skin only
- 11:54 Emotions affect your skin
- 20:13 Lymphatic system works hand in hand with your skin
- 27:15 What messes up your collagen and connective tissue?