This month it’s all about toxicity. In the last episode on Integrative Wellness Radio, we dove into the toxicity found in our daily foods. Today we are piggybacking off of it and taking it a bit further to discuss and give you an insight into the correlation between toxicity and our day-to-day personal care products.
With our markets flooded with cosmetics and other beauty products, it’s really difficult to navigate through which products are safe to use and which are not. Dr. Nicole explains how to better identify the toxins present in these personal care products and how to leverage better testing for them.
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Noteworthy Time Stamps:
- 02:28 Heavy metal testing
- 05:43 It’s about digging deeper
- 11:56 What happens when we overlook toxicity?
- 19:54 Estrogen dominance in young men
- 24:14 Aluminum found in anti percipients is a neurotoxin
- 34:05 Benzine & Chloroform Toxicity
- 39:05 Some myths that need to be debunked
- 44:00 Every product in a brand is not safe
- 50:57 Healthcare is about answers and solutions