We are back this week with another autoimmune disorder and this episode is all about different autoimmune connective tissue disorders such as Lupus, scleroderma, and Osler Rendu as just to name a few. Listen to Dr. Nicole as she dives into why some of these disorders manifest in the first place and where do they originate from. She dissects why most of the people suffering from these disorders might not have been able to find a proper solution that is outside of just living on immunosuppressants. Tune in to learn more!
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Noteworthy Time Stamps:
- 01:34 Why you might resonate with this topic?
- 05:16 Foundational principle to understanding connective tissue disorders
- 10:42 Why would the immune system attack the connective tissue?
- 14:51 A case study
- 24:47 What is ‘PANDAS’ disorder?
- 29:01 You won’t know until you do better testing
- 30:15 A patient with a 10-year history of Lupus
- 35:50 You can’t always rely on the bloodwork markers
- 41:37 It’s about therapy and acknowledgment
- 46:05 The biggest myth of autoimmunity