It is estimated that half of the buildings in the United States may be “WDB”, or water-damaged buildings. Most houses are often built of wood and drywall, and mold and fungi thrive on these types of building materials and surfaces. Prolonged exposure to mold can cause a lot of health problems. Mold can affect human health by causing allergies, infections, and toxicity. On this week’s episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, we’ll be taking a deep dive into discussing mold toxicity, how it affects your body, and what measures you can take, in order to avoid mold exposure.
Most people spend 90% of their time indoors, thus, they are in contact with mold every day of their lives. There is mold all around us. Mold travels in the air as tiny spores. These spores are highly toxic to humans over long durations. Leading this episode, Dr. Nicole will be busting some myths about mold while shedding more light on the subject. She will also be sharing her experience with mold toxicity along with what protocols she followed, in order to detox from mold.
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What you’ll learn:
- How to know if you have mold toxicity, and where it’s coming from
- Importance of working with someone who understands mold completely, for better testing
- How mold, being an immunosuppressant, opens you up to other types of fungal infections, bacterial issues, Lyme disease, and a variety of other things
- How mold compromises the pancreas, causing insulin resistance, which then, leads to hormonal issues
- Why do females and small children tend to be more symptomatic in a toxic environment than men?
- What are the ways to make your detox pathways work better, in order to eradicate toxicity?