Thyroids play a vital role in the metabolism, growth, and development of the human body. It helps to regulate many body functions by constantly releasing a steady amount of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream but this balanced release of hormones can be disrupted by several inside and outside factors leading to different thyroid conditions and this is what we will be learning on The Integrative Wellness Radio along with Dr. Nicole as she will dive into why there is a rise of the epidemic of thyroid conditions.
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Noteworthy Time Stamps:
- 03:14 What your body needs will always be different
- 06:51 Your prescription might just be a temporary fix
- 12:30 Debunking the myths about hormones
- 15:21 Your PMS is influenced by your immune system
- 20:31 What we do day-to-day can disrupt our hormones
- 27:18 Thyroids in a bad neighborhood
- 30:25 Toxicity plays a big role
- 41:41 Switching thyroid medication will not work