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How can IWG change your life? Let's chat and figure it out, head over to www.integrativewellnessgroup.com to book a discovery call.
The Leading Global Integrative Doctor Duo - Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole get Real, Raw & Disruptive on IntegrativeYou Radio diving deep into the human’s mind and body potential. They share out-of-the-box insights and techniques rooted in neurology, human behavior, quantum medicine, innovation, and biology to help families create leaders and geniuses. Learn More About the Docs Here: https://www.integrativeyou.health/
Dr. Nicole & Dr. Nick are self-made entrepreneurs that spearheaded the evolution of integrative medicine with their fast-growth healthcare company, Integrative Wellness Group. They have gone on to create the Integrative Growth Institute a platform to help other doctors run a successful business, make an impact, and get their lives back.
We discuss the HOW on the Integrative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Join Dr. Kyle and Dr. Phil as they describe the Physical Medicine Program at Integrative Wellness Group in Belmar, NJ. Chiropractic care has evolved to be able to offer so much more than just the stereotypical adjustment. Tune in as Dr. Kyle & Dr. Phil share their personal stories and passion about the healing benefits of chiropractic care.
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Melissa Czorniewy as they clear the air on why you are having symptoms like brain fog. They identify root causes of brain and cardiovascular dysfunction and provide examples of our multidimensional approach to detox. Tune in to learn more!
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Join Dr. Nick Carruthers and Jess Hickman as they talk about healing your brain. Our brain's are the control point of our body, meaning the only way to truly heal the body is by healing the brain. Dr. Nick offers a variety of ways you are able to heal your brain on your own. Tune in to learn more!
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Join Dr. Kyle and Dr. Phil as they describe the Physical Medicine Program at Integrative Wellness Group in Belmar, NJ. Dr. Kyle and Dr. Phil describe craniosacral therapy, foundation training, and the head to toe approach to chiropractic care that makes IWG unique.
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Did you know most people are currently walking around with 5-25 lbs extra of extra body weight that is caused by inflammation. This added inflammation can be caused by toxicity from pesticides, chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and heavy metals that are present in our air, water, and food. Tune in this week with practitioner Sam Franceschini and spa manager Liz Brooks talk about why detoxing is great for the body and how you can best detox.
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
In this episode, join Dr. Nicole and Registered Nurse and mold assessor Gina Dehmer as they get to the root of mold toxicity. Dr. Nicole and Gina list reasons on how mold affects the human body; including respiratory and sinus issues, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, etc. Learn how to spot the signs, and how to tell the difference between remediation and small scale solutions. Tune in to educate yourself a little more on this toxic epidemic.
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Join Dr. Nick Carruthers and Jess Hickman as they explain the foundational roots of anxiety and depression. In this podcast, Dr. Nick truly summarizes the idea that anxiety and depression are symptoms and feedback mechanisms of the body telling you that there is stress, perhaps poor nutrition, and lack of exercise that's poorly effecting brain health. Take control of living a healthier you by controlling your emotional, chemical, and physical stress; eating more superfoods and decreasing inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, and sugars; and increase your exercise routine as you allow blood flow to detox and flow valuable nutrients to the brain, and more!
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Join Dr. Nicole and Lexie as they speak upon your thyroid. Dr. Nicole speaks in length about autoimmune hyperthyroid (Grave's Disease) and autoimmune hypothyroid (Hashimoto's). Most physicians advise against taking Iodine if you have a chronic thyroid issue. Dr. Nicole speaks on the natural effects of iodine and how it helps your overall health for your thyroid. With the useful information, find out how to naturally and effectively detox your lymph nodes, how emotions can tie into your throat chakra, and more.
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Did you know that two thirds of our brain is made up of cholesterol? And that cholesterol is the foundation for our cells, allowing them to be able to absorb nutrients. And yet, cholesterol is still thought of as the main culprit of heart disease. This week join Dr. Nicole Rivera and our practitioner assistant, Lexie Allman discuss the cause of heart disease that no one is talking about, tune in to learn more!
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
This week talk about bacteria and your skin. Your skin issues is not always a hormonal issue. Tune in as Dr. Nicole Rivera and our practitioner assistant, Sam Franceschini discuss in length the correlations.
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Did you know there is a correlation between your internal and oral health, 80% of your symptoms can be traced back to our mouth. Tune in as Dr. Nicole Rivera and our practitioner assistant, Sam Franceschini discuss in length the correlations.
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and practitioner assistant, Jess Hickman on this week's IWG Radio, as they discuss about the connection between infections and your brain. Tune in to find out more!
Thursday Nov 23, 2017
Thursday Nov 23, 2017
Thursday Nov 23, 2017
We focus so much of our efforts our keeping our physical bodies healthy, but what about one of the most important organs our, Brain! Brain health is crucial to keeping the physical, emotional, and energetic body functioning. Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Dr. Nick Carruthers, as they talk in depth about Brain Health, neurofeedback, brain mapping. A must listen for anyone who has had multiple concussions, suffers with ADHD, and those with dementia.
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Dr. Kyle Kilm on this week's IWG Radio, as they discuss about the connection between Caesarean delivery and chronic illness. Did you know that 46% of the pregnancies are delivered via Caesarean and 47% of kids under the age of 12 have chronic illnesses? Tune in to find out more!
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
In this week's episode, Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller of Integrative Wellness Group discuss what Autoimmune Pernicious Anemia and B12 and folate deficiency. This is a must listen for women who have been diagnosed with HPV or have been on birth control for an extended period of time!
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
In this week's episode, Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller of Integrative Wellness Group discuss some of the root causes for dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and other neurological conditions that may be plaguing you or a loved one.
Almost 10 years ago, our doctors became frustrated with the limitations of conventional testing. It became evident, that blood work was just a snapshot in the moment and often missed chronic conditions. Stool samples didn't always reveal pathogens depending on the quality and the timing of the sample. In addition, the tests did not reveal the biodiversity of each person which resulted in cookie-cutter protocols for so-called similar conditions. Our doctors were craving specificity and decided to explore advanced medical technologies regularly used in European countries. These technologies looked beyond blood while revealing the uniqueness of each person. This transformed the treatment protocols and allowed for faster and more effective healing. Most importantly, the doctors were able to transform their approach to create long-term, sustainable health changes.
Our doctors are evolving how healthcare is being done with their forward-thinking, specificity, and unwavering devotion to integrative medicine and their patients. Their love for what they do is evident in the shifts and transformations that their patients experience.
How can IWG change your life? Let's chat and figure it out, head over to www.integrativewellnessgroup.com to book a discovery call.