Let's Go
How can IWG change your life? Let's chat and figure it out, head over to www.integrativewellnessgroup.com to book a discovery call.
The Leading Global Integrative Doctor Duo - Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole get Real, Raw & Disruptive on IntegrativeYou Radio diving deep into the human’s mind and body potential. They share out-of-the-box insights and techniques rooted in neurology, human behavior, quantum medicine, innovation, and biology to help families create leaders and geniuses. Learn More About the Docs Here: https://www.integrativeyou.health/
Dr. Nicole & Dr. Nick are self-made entrepreneurs that spearheaded the evolution of integrative medicine with their fast-growth healthcare company, Integrative Wellness Group. They have gone on to create the Integrative Growth Institute a platform to help other doctors run a successful business, make an impact, and get their lives back.
We discuss the HOW on the Integrative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller as they inform us on all underlying causes related to PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) and how this can be avoided.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Dr. Brooke Scheller as they enlighten us on the potential underlying causes of Vitiligo.
Interested in learning more about IWG? Click here to set up a free strategy call with our client care team!
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Heavy metal toxicity impacts common childhood development issues such as digestion, attention disorders, speech development, and autism spectrum. In this episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller, CNS, discuss the impact that heavy metal toxicity has on development, the proper testing to measure heavy metal levels, and considerations to keep exposure to a minimum.
Friday May 19, 2017
Friday May 19, 2017
Friday May 19, 2017
In this episode of IWG Radio, Dr. Nicole is joined by Clinical Nutritionist Brooke Scheller to discuss effective ways to manage Lyme Disease, why antibiotic treatment is often ineffective, and what considerations must be in place to help support your health.
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nicole Rivera and functional nutritionist Brooke Scheller discuss common symptoms that your child may be experiencing that may be a sign of an underlying imbalance or infection. Your childs digestive complaints, colic, food allergies, and even growing pains may be a sign to look deeper. Learn more with our functional medicine team by scheduling a free-15 minute strategy call today!
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Have you been told that Leaky Gut is the cause of all of your ailments? Have you been working hard to heal your leaky gut, only to continue to have symptoms? In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, join Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller to learn more about the myths of Leaky Gut and how you can heal for body for good!
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
This week on IWG Radio, Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller discuss the mechanism behind autoimmune conditions to the CNS and why you may have received a diagnosis of MS.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Low testosterone and hormonal imbalances in men are on the rise. Many men suffer with lack of energy and stamina as well as decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Find out if there may be a role your environment is playing in your hormone imbalances.
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, join functional medicine physician Dr. Nicole Rivera and functional nutritionist, Brooke Scheller in a discussion on the root cause of ADD/ADHD symptoms within yourself or your children.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Are you suffering from PMS? Irregular periods? Menopausal symptoms? Could mold or fungal infections, like candida yeast, be to blame? Learn more with Dr. Nicole Rivera and nutritionist Brooke Scheller from Integrative Wellness Group.
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
In this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Dr. Nicole Rivera interviews nutritionist Brooke Scheller on her recently published blog about how your tattoos may be impacting your health.
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Have you or someone you know had an appendicitis? Check out this week's podcast with Dr. Nicole and Functional Medicine Nutritionist Brooke Scheller talking about some underlying issues that could be occurring.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
In this episode of Integrative Wellness Radio, Functional Medicine Practioners, Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller discuss how viruses that are impacting certain organs may be contributing to autoimmune conditions. Have you been diagnoses with Lupus? Hashimoto's? Psoriasis? An underlying virus may be the cause!
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Have you or your children been diagnosed with Mono? Maybe you had an onset in your teens and still feel plagued by fatigue, joint pain, and a low functioning immune system. Many of the symptoms associated with the onset of Mononucleosis (or Epstein Barr Virus) can often be misdiagnosed and could actually be the onset of Lyme Disease. Learn more in this episode of Integrative Wellness Radio with Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller!
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Got a sweet tooth? Do you have sugar and carb cravings that decrease your "will power" and keep you from achieving your health goals? Many of the clients at IWG experience sugar cravings to to this ONE thing... Find out now in this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio with Dr. Nicole Rivera and Brooke Scheller!
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Do you notice fluctuations in your moods throughout the month? Do you assume that they may be due to PMS or stress? Could there be something else in your body causing you to have ups & downs? Find out in this week's episode of Integrative Wellness Radio with Dr. Nicole and Brooke!
Almost 10 years ago, our doctors became frustrated with the limitations of conventional testing. It became evident, that blood work was just a snapshot in the moment and often missed chronic conditions. Stool samples didn't always reveal pathogens depending on the quality and the timing of the sample. In addition, the tests did not reveal the biodiversity of each person which resulted in cookie-cutter protocols for so-called similar conditions. Our doctors were craving specificity and decided to explore advanced medical technologies regularly used in European countries. These technologies looked beyond blood while revealing the uniqueness of each person. This transformed the treatment protocols and allowed for faster and more effective healing. Most importantly, the doctors were able to transform their approach to create long-term, sustainable health changes.
Our doctors are evolving how healthcare is being done with their forward-thinking, specificity, and unwavering devotion to integrative medicine and their patients. Their love for what they do is evident in the shifts and transformations that their patients experience.
How can IWG change your life? Let's chat and figure it out, head over to www.integrativewellnessgroup.com to book a discovery call.